Bewerbungsaufruf: Direktor des CPBS Montpellier, Frankreich

The Center for the study of Pathogens and Biotechnology for Health (CPBS, UMR 5236 CNRS, University Montpellier 1 and 2) in Montpellier, France, seeks a Director for the next five-year contract starting on January 1st, 2015.


The CPBS is a multidisciplinary unit with a high growth potential, interested in the study of host-pathogen interactions and the development of anti-infectious molecules. It is currently made up of 10 teams involved in the fields of virology, bacteriology, molecular and cell biology, and biophysics

The CPBS is housed in a new building (approximately 3000 m2) on the CNRS campus of Montpellier and is equipped with biosafety level 2 and 3 laboratories (BSL-2 and BSL-3). The excellent scientific environment brings together three research institutes (CPBS, CRBM and IGMM) with over 400 scientists conducting basic research in cell and molecular biology, infectious disease, genetics, developmental biology, biophysics and bioinformatics. This location also benefits from high-performance platforms including: a transgenic mice facility, cell imaging and flow cytometry core (

In addition, a new, high-capacity BSL-3 platform (400 m²) associated with the CPBS, will be operational in 2013. This laboratory, unique in France, will be equipped with robots for the screening of anti-infective molecules. Equipment and surface dedicated to the observation of live cells by confocal microscopy (spinning disk) and TIRF is scheduled.

The future Director, a Research Director or University Professor with a tenured position, will have international visibility in the field of infectious diseases and managerial skills. He/she will be capable of federating the members of the laboratory around an enthusiastic scientific project for the 2015-2019 five-year contract. He/she will run the lab jointly with a management team composed of a deputy director and a laboratory administrator.

Knowledge of public research and higher education systems in France will be an advantage.

The hosting of a new research team under the leadership of the future Director is encouraged.

Applications should include a CV, a cover letter and a brief description of coordination skills (team leadership and/or laboratory management).

For more information, we suggest to consult our website

Applications should be sent to Shortlisted candidates will be contacted for interviews.


Application Deadline: June 30th, 2012




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