ONIRIS Ausschreibung 2012

Für das kommende Semester 2012/2013 ist die Stelle eines Dozenten der Physiologie & Physiopathologie zu besetzen.


The position is ideally suited to a veterinarian with a particular interest in physiology and physiopathology, who wishes to develop a career in teaching and research in a veterinary school. The Senior lecturer will teach fonctionnal, cellular and molecular physiology. He/she will conduct research in autoimmune type 1 diabetes diabetes.
This position would suit a veterinarian, preferably with a PhD or a diplomate of the European College. He/she should have an experience in teaching or research of corresponding topics.
Applicants for this position are expected to submit their CV including a list of publications as well as a detailed outline of their concepts for teaching, research and service as a hardcopy and as a single comprehensive pdf-file not later than September 30th, 2012 to : Direction Générale Oniris, Site de la Chantrerie, BP 40706, 44307 NANTES Cedex 03, France.


Candidates retained at this stage will be interviewed on October, 2012.


More detailed information can be obtained from


  • Dean : Pierre SAI direction@oniris-nantes.fr
  •  Research and teaching department : Jean-Marie BACH jean-marie.bach@oniris-nantes.fr

Administration : Monique PAQUIN monique.paquin@oniris-nantes.fr


weitere Informationen: https://www.wissenschaft-frankreich.de/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2012/07/MCF-Physio-vesion-anglais.pdf