SAVE THE DATE : French – German cooperation in Africa in the field of climate change, food security and water resources
Monday 1st – Tuesday 2nd of June 2015, Embassy of France in Berlin
The Department for Science and Technology of the French Embassy in Berlin, and the French Institute for Development Research (IRD), are organizing a two-day conference on the French-German cooperation in the field of climate change, food security and water resources in Africa, with a focus on sub-Saharan Africa.
France and Germany are both involved in research on climate change and related impacts on food and water in Africa. The venue of the conference COP21, that will take place in Paris in November 2015, provides a favorable context for the preparation of a French-German agenda of common research activities (post-COP21) in sub-Saharan Africa.
Several actors involved in research on climate in Africa from France, Germany and some African countries will join this conference in Berlin, which will provide a forum for presentations of on-going research programs, discussions on needs and challenges, and identification of subjects of common interest. The objective is to foster new partnerships for French-German cooperation.
The invited speakers are: representatives from the dedicated ministries in France and in Germany, as well as at the European level, researchers from France, Germany and African countries.
More information, including the final program, will be provided shortly. In order to register please send your personal data (first name, last name, organization, function and email address) to the following address:
You will receive a confirmation email.
– Jolanta Lewandowska, Attaché for Science & Technology, Embassy of France in Berlin